Walk to Defeat ALS with Team Kirkin' It!
In memory of our dad, Roger Kirk, we walk for the 12th year in the Philadelphia ALS United Walk. We continue to honor our dad each year and help so many other local ALS patients and families.
Please join our team, Kirkin' It, at Citizens Bank Park on Saturday, November 16th at 10 am!
I Made a Difference!
I supported this event with a personal donation.
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Kelly and Tom
Barb & jerry
Chris McShea
Skippack Automotive Inc.
Mr. Tim F. Kcehowski
In Memory of Roger Kirk
Ryan & Kaitlyn Kirk
Roger Kirk
Joe Dwyer
Tim Kirk
Sarah Lowe
The Mulroy Family
Bill and Kathy Schalleur
Sara Donaldson
Mrs. Lisa Nederostek
Ann Marie Braca
Karen Barthold
Rob and Kay Gould
Steve & Mary Lewis
Roger Kirk
Mr. Colin Fitzgerald
Ms. Kristin Braca
Mary Jo and Rob Downey
Roger Kirk
Donna Yehl
Josh & Christine Crippen
In memory of Roger Kirk
Dani Bourret
Ms. Angela Pomponio
Scott Cantwell
Kirkin' it!
Ms. Jillian Tiburzi
Michele & Joe Papay
Cherie Hargadon McGorry
Paul Lanzilotta
Janine Hughes
John Wright
Laura Boe
Mike Stanton
Melissa Gourley
Paul McGurkin
Mary Armstrong Osick
Miss Diana Kirk
Sharon Cummings Donnelly
Carol Mabon
Nick Cohen
Ryan Fuller
Fred Horrocks
Blair Kalichman
Kelsey Glynn
Bobbi Donovan
Paula Murphy
Jean Varano
Nicole Elizabeth
Ms. Sarah Greenbaum
Joe C
McGurkin Family
Amy Fuga
Mary Pat McShea
Miss Stephanie Shapiro
Dan & MT
Ericka Kirk
Amy Taglia
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore
Mr. Corey Kirk
Meg Kathleen
MaryKate Nicolai
Katie Higgins
Ms. Julie Kurkowski
Roger Kirk
Amy Lynch
Hema Funk
Justin O'Pella
Miss Meredith Jones
Abby Eggert
Sarah Pierson
Tara O'Donnell
Steph Rizzo
Bryn Carroll
Braeden Murphy
Amanda Monaghan
Caitlin DiRuggiero
Kara Barr
Scott Herman
Faith McNeill
Jenn Dziak
Wujek Kuba
Mark Angelone
Lizanne Mckay
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