

“Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can make a difference. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” The words of Margaret Meade could be heard echoing throughout Harrisburg’s Riverfront Park, Sunday, June 10, 2001 as over 600 people came together for the 1st Annual Harrisburg ALS Walk.
In 2001, a small group of eight people had a dream. A dream not only to create an event that would raise awareness and money for research and patient services but to create an event where families could come together to honor and remember loved ones touched by ALS, to share their stories.
A goal was set, committees assigned and the walk began to take shape under the leadership of Event Chairman, Scott E. Zimmerman and Family Chairman, Jody Z. Laverty, whose father, Bruce W. Zimmerman was diagnosed with ALS in January 2000. Together they decided not to sit back and watch this horrible disease take it’s toll, they decided to fight and fight they did! The duo worked tirelessly obtaining sponsors and local news coverage. The Zimmerman family could not be stopped.
Over 30 teams walked across the Walnut Street bridge wearing brightly colored t-shirts with team names like Zoomin’ for Zimmie; Kelley Krusaders; Cutler Crew; Sonie’s Saints; Velma’s Buds and Toni’s Tigers to name a few. Men, women, children and their dogs walked with signs and pictures remembering loved ones and others walked in honor of those still living with ALS.
The 1st Annual Harrisburg ALS Walk raised in over $117,000, which more than doubled their goal of $50,000. It was a day to remember that no one is alone in this fight and that the victims of ALS will never be forgotten.
Team Zoomin' for Zimmie