Welcome to My Personal Page

I ride in memory of my late husband Eric. He loved bicycling and after his diagnosis, his bicyle riding buddies formed team 4EBerg first in his honor now in his memory.
The ALS United Mid-Atlantic provided us with a lot of support when we needed it. In addition to the help provided to my husband with ALS, I was part of an ALS support group that helped me maintain my sanity during his disease. Through this ALS support group I laughed and cried with some remarkable women whose loved ones were also suffering from ALS. I ride in memory of Craig, Job, Gary, and Joe and in honor of my "ALS sisters."
I also ride in memory of Suzanne who recently succumbed to ALS, She and her husband were so supportive of Eric and me when Eric was ill and then sadly she developed the same disease.
Defeating ALS and supporting those who have ALS is very important to me. I have first hand knowledge of the disease and I do not want others to suffer as much as my husband suffered from the disease.
Please help others with ALS by making a donation or joining Team 4EBerg.

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