On June 9, it will be 9 years since I was diagnosed with the death sentence that is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. I have watched myself lose the ability to run, walk, cut my food, dress myself, bathe myself, and speak in the way that I have my entire life. At this point in time, I am wheelchair bound and primarily speak through my Tobii dynavox eye gaze communication system. I can barely drink and am unable to eat enough to sustain myself; so, in July 2024, I got a feeding tube. It is a daily testament each time God helps me to move and to breathe. The last few years have been filled with excruciating pain, endless frustration, and daily miracles. ALS doesn’t just affect me; I can see the toll it has taken on my family and friends.
As I have become progressively more paralyzed, we have seen the greatest strides in ALS research and I believe we will one day find a cure. People often ask, "How can I help?” Prayer is first and then this: Our team “A Cure for Kait” will be a part of the Seaside Walk to Defeat ALS on May 3, 2025 and we would be honored if you want to walk, donate, or be a part of it in any way. Together we’ve raised $125,161.70 over the course of 7 walks. This money goes to ALS United Mid-Atlantic (formerly ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter) who use it for research to find a cure for this devastating disease, as well as supporting families that are struggling with it right now. ALS United Mid-Atlantic is continually creating events to lighten the load and shift the focus to joy; they also are willing to partner with other organizations like Her ALS Story, to make the most of our resources together. I have been truly blessed in my family, friends, church, and community. We are already making a difference and together we can drastically change the experience of this disease. Please join, share, and make an impact.